Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kittie's Home Page

The image is from thinkstock, and the curtain background is from Getty, so we don't have to buy that image at least, because it's a premium image. I was trying do my original idea, but I need the mask, and a better camera, so I can create a still life image, similar to the way the Chris Angel Believe home page was, but sadly I don't have either one of those. Let me know what you guys think.


  1. Looks really good!!! The type has some tangents, I'll give u more feedback later tonight. I like the usage of the character, is there a female character you can use too?

  2. Actually it is a female, but I'll try it with a different character, since it is an alter ego, I'll try to get one is a darker costume

  3. Ok, I like this, I really do. Here's some small things I noticed.

    1) The curtain edge is really rough ( the portion in front of the character), needs to be smooth.

    2) The q on the logo is forming tangents with the Cirque logo at different views, needs some more space between. I'd also move it to the left about 1/4 of an inch.

    3) Can we see a sample with out the lens flares?

    Hope this helps :)

    - Janai

  4. yes thank you Janai, the one thing I'll say about the logo, is that it was hard, because the show logo is always above the cirque du soleil logo, so I'm wondering if I should make the q on the logo, a little smaller, because if we have to use it for everything we do, I think it should be a bit smaller, so there won't be an awkward gap in between the masque logo, and the cirque logo.

  5. That's the problem I was having with the Q but if you look at the Beatles Love poster the Cirque logo is placed pretty low...check it out maybe that helps : )

  6. Yes it does help thanks Diana, the only thing is that the Beatles love is centered, the space is the because of the design, but the q throws it off balance a little, since it's not centered you know. I asked Robin and she said I should make the Q a little bit shorter, about half from where it's at now, but I need your guys approval. since your guys would have to change it as well, witch shouldn't be too much of an issue.


  7. I like the q where its at, I say we put the Cirque logo above, like Diana had. I don't think its a huge departure from the branding. We can always ask rad on tuesday.

    - Janai
