Monday, November 15, 2010

All of Kittie's Revised pieces

Here is everything I've done, with the help of Diana, re-did most my stuff with Diana's gold dust. 



  1. Just so you guys better comprehend, it's first the design followed by the mock ups.

    In order:
    Taxi Design
    Taxi Mock Up Close Up
    Taxi Mock Up Full
    Bus Billboard Design
    Bus Billboard Mock Up
    Paris Balloon Design
    Paris Ballon Mock Up (Day)
    Paris Balloon Mock Up (Night)
    Billboard Truck Mock Up
    Outside Kiosk Design
    Outside Kiosk Mock Up
    Kiosk Design (Left-Normal)
    Rack Card (Right)
    Kiosk Interior Mock Up (Mall)
    Tour Bus Design Mock Up

    This is everything I've done so far, I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anything of what we agreed on, but just in case, let me know if I missed something. Because the only other thing I wanted to create and didn't get the chance to, because no one posted anything about it, so I figured you guys didn't like the idea, was the mock up of the huge poster thing that hangs from a building.


  2. Hey Kittie,

    The taxi, ad truck, and paris balloon look like they still have the old sparkles? They look out of place next to the ones updated by Diana?

    Everything looks great!

  3. Yea, they do have the old sparkles, I figured they were just the mock ups, and extra work either way, that they wouldn't be critiqued anyways. But I'll change them, no problem.


  4. I just think it would be a good thing to make it all consistent, cause it will be pointed out. But if you want, you can always mention that it will be corrected later. Just something I know will be tagged.

    - Janai
