Sunday, December 5, 2010

All of Kittie's Work

Rack Card

Bus Billboard Mock Up

Bus Billboard Design

CD Case

Paris Balloon Day Mock Up

DVD Case

DVD Cover

Billboard Truck Mock Up

Taxi Cab Mock Up

Mall Kiosk Mock Up

Kiosk Black

Kiosk Red

DVD Poster

Day & Night Kiosk Street Mock Up

Paris Ballon Night Mock Up
Here's all my re-edited and finalized designs, the only one's that look a little weird are the billboard truck mock up and taxi mock up, because of the distortion.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Yesenia's Merchandising

CD Case

DVD Case

DVD Cover
DVD Masque Poster

Here's all my revised merchandise pieces, I just need to replace the type on the back of the DVD pieces, with Janai's body, and that's it. Let me know what you guys think.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Redeisng of everything kiosk

These are just the re-designs without the gold dust, thought I would post them here, before giving it to Diana, to make sure that these are alright as they are, or if I need to change something, so a quick critique will be awesome. There's only two that don't need gold dust and it's the red kisok on the other post, and the red vertical design on this post.


P.S. Missing one, two big, so I'll post it later as a screenshot

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Final Red and Black Kiosk

They are both 12 by 24 that's half the size of the original sizes. I went back and edited some stuff on the black kiosk that RAD said needed fixing. He said that the gold dust was a little overwhelming near the logo, he said you couldn't distinguish it well enough, so he told me to clear up the gold dust that was behind the logo and just keep the one's on the side. He also said the edge was way too hard on the left side where it cuts off, he didn't have a problem with it on the right side though. So I just overlapped the gold dust on the left over that section, so it's a smoother transition. Also he said the Red one was elegant, he didn't have any problems with them looking different. So the only thing I changed on it was that I brought down the logo and the image, to balance the composition a little more. And og course placed the website and Paris logo in the same place on both.

Let me know if there's any other revisions you want me to make. Currently working on re-doing all the other pieces, so I'll have those up later on today.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mini Dummy-To Janai

So I know you want me to have a dummy made, and I can do that, but it will be very small, it will have to be on a regular sheet of paper, because it's too expensive to do a full sized version. Unless you want me to build it to size, without my design on it, it will just be plain paper, but it will be to size?


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Week 9 - Goals, Deadlines & Information :)

Hello Everyone :)

Alright, we have been doing really great these past few weeks, and now its time to really bust ass and make sure that everything is perfect for week ten. I know this might sound crazy, but I would really like to have everything done by next week. What I mean by this, is that everything is done being designed and ready for critique by Rad, so that all the way up til week 10 we are only worrying about production of all the pieces and the table environment.

The Paper I ordered came in on friday ... I hate epson with a passion now. We will be printing on this paper most likely.

Austin, we need those edited red mask photos by tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest. I know you are busy with your portfolio stuff, but we really need this asap. I will be emailing you the pattern to test on the lightscrbe cd.

Kittie, I would really like to see a printed dummy of your dvd case on tuesday, it doesn't have to be a real print, it can all be 8.5x11 all glued together. I just want to be able to see the mechanics of it all before you actually print it.

I would like to see all the updated pieces by monday night. All the stuff that needs to be fixed needs to be done by monday night, so that Diana can added the gold dust tuesday during lab time. Mike, it is especially important that you have all the parts of the website functional and done by tuesday night. I would like to see screenshots of everything by monday night. Work with the information you have, if you need images talk with me so that we can figure out all our needs by tuesday. If you need copy for the website, please let me know and I will begin writing the information for the parts that you need.

As for all the extra stuff, I would like you guys to have a really tight digital rough done by tuesday for whatever you have/want to design. I want to see it all so we can group critique it and get everything done. I know it is a lot of work to toss at you guys on a short timeline, but I know you guys can do it all and do it great. You guys are awesome!

If you have any questions, please call or text me instead of emailing me. 

- Janai

Questions for group...kinda

Has Austin already sent the images cropped as needed, because I don't know if they sent to my spam mail, because I don't check that mail as much, and also wondering if today is the day to turn in our stuff? If so my design is ready for the gold dust stage, but I know Diana needs it with time. So just wondering.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

To Janai

So the case I designed is bigger then what your printer can print, it is a little over 33in width. So I can't ask you just to print my other stuff, because it probably won't be the same paper type, and the same quality. So I'm just going to print my merchandise stuff elsewhere. Just letting you know, so there's no surprises later.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Prints - Janai

I just printed out the kiosk, the ads, and one of the billboards. The prints look good (even on the wrong paper), they even look velvety to me ^_^

DVD Slip Cover

My design for the DVD Slip Cover, let me know what you guys think.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

CD Case

This gets folded horizontally in half

(Left) Character Info (Center) CD (Right) More Character Info

(Left) Song credits/image (Center) Songs and music description (Right) Logo

This is the design I came up with for the CD case, I already have the thing that holds the cd, but this needs to be printed on card stock,  or something thick, because it is the case I designed, not the slip cover. The gold lines aren't going to be there, it's just to show you guys the divisions. The songs are just place holders right now, that's not actually the names of the songs. I still have to work at the songs a little more. Plus I have to add the credits of where I got the songs so I was thinking that information will be where the jolly mask is at. Let me know that you guys think.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

I still can't comment!!!! AHHHHH -Diana

Kitty I love what you are doing but the mask still looks a little off. I sent you an email check it out. maybe if you just blow it up larger so the chin is not within the page but outside... Austin I love what you did with your ads but they are getting the dreaded decapitated effect! Darn RAD why did u point that out ahhhh now i'm seeing it everywhere. Janai- I just sent you my .psd billboard file at 19X something let me know if there are any problems....and darn you Epson!!! BLEH To everyone!!! Please use the revised logos!!!

Revised Kiosk Options

Revised Kiosk Options, I like the red one, and my boyfriend and other peeps like the black with gold dust. Let me know witch one's you guys like more.


Printer issues - Janai

So ... Epson decided to be stupid and not mail my ink and paper. I should still be able to print everything ... I am just now pissed at epson.

I also need EVERYONES print files. Remember that billboards need to be at least 19 inches wide, kiosk proportional to 11x17.  Please make sure that you size your files before sending them to me, use you send it if you need. Also, please make sure they are 300 dpi.  Magazine ads should be sized to appropriate size. I need these files today :)

- Janai

Friday, November 19, 2010


Vanity fair magazine 

Ie Weekly

I took out the date changed some of the gold dust and changed the type from white to gold

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Kiosk After, hopefully a winner

This is the jpeg, because the original file format is way too huge the blog won't let me, so I took a screenshot. Let me know if it's an improvement to the decapitation.


HELP!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!

So here are the before and after, I'm having such a hard time placing the mask, ever since RAD said it looked decapitated, and I've tried moving it every single place in the page, and nothing looks better then when it looks decapitated, so please help me partners, I'm at a wall and I can't tear it down :(


P.S. I can't wait to show you guys the DVD and CD, they are looking very awesome.

In General

Hey you guys, just thought I should let you know that my ride left me on Tuesday, and I got sick. It's not too bad, but I'm just letting you guys know that I might not have my stuff done by Friday, sorry.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week 8 information

Just so everyone is on the same page:

Printed pieces due for next week:

Magazine Ads
Save the Date

Everything needs to be updated, and revised and sent to me no later than friday.

The new pieces to be worked on include:

Mike: Website, Glass Coasters, Postcards, Magnets

Austin: Wine Bottle Labels, Editorial Spread

Kittie - Dvd/CD & Soundtrack

Diana - Shot Glasses, T-shirts, Tote Bags, Keychains

Janai - Bottle Packaging, VIP box, Program Cover & Spread.

All these new pieces are extra, work on them as you can, but do not stress over them if you have other things going on.

Janai Printer Costs

Hey Everyone,

Here is the break down for the stuff I just ordered:

Black ink - $18.99
L. Cyan - $18.99
L. Magenta - $18.99
Magenta - $18.99
Ultra Premium Presentation Paper 13x19 (50 Sheets) - $51.50

Shipping - $3.00
Tax: $11.15
Total: $141.61

These are the prices, like I said I'd really like at least two of the inks covered, of course more would be nice, but its all up to you guys.

- Janai

p.s. - I did a test print and the matte looked nicer than the glossy. Glossy just looked over the top and gaudy =/

Monday, November 15, 2010

Austins ad revisions

let me know what you think of the new revisions

ie weekly 

rolling stone

To Janai's feedback for today

Ok so here is what I think we should do for presentation I will introduce marketing proposal since I know what I want to include from all that madness lol and what we plan to do and then everyone will present their designs as they created them. Janai I will tone down the red hue. I will send you my slide info for my marketing section later on...i'm too tired now. Hope this helps.


All of Kittie's Revised pieces

Here is everything I've done, with the help of Diana, re-did most my stuff with Diana's gold dust. 
