Thursday, December 2, 2010

Redeisng of everything kiosk

These are just the re-designs without the gold dust, thought I would post them here, before giving it to Diana, to make sure that these are alright as they are, or if I need to change something, so a quick critique will be awesome. There's only two that don't need gold dust and it's the red kisok on the other post, and the red vertical design on this post.


P.S. Missing one, two big, so I'll post it later as a screenshot


  1. Hi Kittie, I'm confused what the last two pieces are. Also, for the sake of consistency you should use the stock red mask in all pieces. I'll message Diana to put her feedback as well.

    - janai

  2. Also, I'm not sure that half grid is working for the last piece, what is it for? It also seems to have a lot of information(?)

  3. And nothing should have the date except the invitation. Sorry for all the critiques >.<

  4. Hi kittie,

    I can comment on my phone!!! Yayyyy ok well here is my feeback:

    On the first piece it still looks like its cut off at the bottom can you try doing a blend effect to get rid of the harsh line where the image ends?? Let's see if that works. On the two middle pieces the red mask is floating again : ( I don't know if its right image maybe??? Janai mentioned something about using images that were sent. On the last piece its looking like janai's save the date! There is too much info. Try maybe enlarging image (I know feel changes) just to see how it looks maybe?? I feel so bad about the are welcome to semd me files to see if I can rework to help you find a solution if you want...I'm sorry : ( sooo many edits!!!

  5. The first one is the rack card, that I'm not doing anymore, the second one, is the design that goes on the bus, the third one is for the billboard truck, and the forth one is for a street kiosk, witch I'm also not doing anymore. The one that's missing is the one for the balloon for Paris.

    I'm only doing the horizontal designs, the one for the bus (2nd), the one for the Paris balloon, and the one for the billboard truck. All the other stuff I made, I'm not doing, because those are vertical.

    I'll post the completed designs, after I send them to Diana for the gold dust.


  6. hey :)

    Why no rack card? And what about the taxi? Those were both great pieces and I'd hate to see you not use them next week. You've worked so hard and you should show it off.

    A few things - Red mask you are using needs to match the crop of the istock mask, either shift it so it's not a floating head or use the istock mask please.

    For the bus ad, use the hotel name (not logo) instead of the date.

    For the billboard truck ad - lose the date and shift the tagline up a bit.

    I know that with all the changes you have had to make with this project that it probably feels like it is not yours anymore. Please know that the suggestions we make are simply for consistency issues and not for any other reason. After this class you can let loose and redesign everything :) Please, please call me if you have any problems with anything about this project or the critiques given. /hug

    - Janai

  7. No rack card, or anything else, because Diana also has to put Gold Dust one them. So I decided only to do the horizontal designs, plus I can't send her my bigger designs, not with Yahoo, nor you send it, or even my online storage place. That's why I'm only doing certain files. But if I can get them to Diana then I'll do it. I just can't do it today. It has to be tomorrow.

