Thursday, November 4, 2010

ok banners RGB lol -Diana

...sorry guys out of habit i did CMYK lol here is RGB


  1. Very nice Diana, very very nice, I like them all ^-^

  2. I love, love, love the logo in Gold! I also love the one logo with the sparkle on the end of the q. I think we should really run with that idea. Additionally, the Cirque Logo placement is a really great solution and I think we should make that standard too.

    I love all of these options, the feel cohesive. A few things :)

    Second from the top - I think the damask background needs to be a little less subtle, I barely noticed it, and only saw it accidently. Also the sparkles are a little strong on this one.

    Third from top - I am not sure why, but the grid this is on feels heavy(?), it also looks like the feathers are some sort of creature rather than feathers. I think the other vertical one was more successful.

    Hope this helps :)

    - Janai

  3. I agree with the sparkles being too overpowering I'll try to edit it and post up by saturday : ) thanks for feedback it was really helpful! : )
